The presenter had whipped the crowd into a fury. They were as fired up as almost any crowd of Catholics you could imagine. Even the flies on the wall could feel the passion and zeal start to fill the room. The crowd started to believe they were going to be the beginning of great renewal in the Catholic Church.
I don’t know about you, but the last few weeks have been pretty rough. First there was the story of Archbishop (former Cardinal) McCarrick. Then we had the report from Pennsylvania drop this week. It is so depressing. Last night it reached an apex when my wife and I cried with our two oldest kids after one of them asked me to explain what was going on.
This weekend our water heater started to leak, so the plumber came (George). He is no longer a young man and we have had several conversations through the years about the lack of young plumbers. But, on this visit, George had a new apprentice, who just started this summer, after just graduating from High School. I told George that I was happy to see he had a new apprentice, but George said the chances of him sticking around are slim...