My teen years were in the late 80s & early 90s. I used to wear Vans and had long bangs (both have made a comeback). I lived those years in a constant search of being relevant and cool with my peers. In some ways I achieved my goal.
One of the major (and fatal) flaws of many pastoral leaders in the Catholic Church is the failure to properly empower others to do pastoral ministry alongside them. There are many excuses and reasons why this happens, but rather than focus on those, I want to look at the need to empower others and the results when we do.
Whether you know it or not, there is something that affects every day of your life. It is your worldview. A worldview tells us not only how people think about the world, life, truth, goodness, meaning, etc., but it also plays the main role in our underlying assumptions - and many assumptions which are not explicitly thought about. Ultimately, a worldview...