“My leadership team and I have grown exponentially through our training with Catholic Missionary Disciples. The tools, advice, and training have equipped us to better live our parish mission of growing disciples, seeking the lost, and advancing the kingdom of God. I have personally grown in my faith that we can never outdo God in generosity. When we put more trust in God and in His love and vision for our lives and our parish rather than in our weaknesses and all the obstacles that hinder us from achieving that vision with the help of His grace, tremendous things are possible. I would encourage everyone who is struggling to implement the Church's call to evangelization to join up with Catholic Missionary Disciples.”
-Fr. Corey Litzner
CMD Cohorts offer a year-long journey for your leadership team - meet with your parish / diocesan / schools / apostolate leadership team for 1 hour a week to learn, pray, be formed, and coached to grow in pastoral skills as missionary disciples. We start with weekly meetings for 12 weeks and then monthly meetings for 9 more months.
1-on-1 ministry coaching - weekly individual ministry coaching for 30 minutes per week. Implement what you are learning into your context + grow personally as you set with your coach.
Change your culture for about the price of going to a conference! - More than any conference can provide - we train, coach, and build leaders into missionary disciples who can change the culture of their institutions!