When I was in college, I took several semesters of archery. I loved shooting arrows at targets, but what ultimately won me over was the nature of archery; you immediately know how you are doing, based on where you hit the target. Still, there was one time that I hit the bulls eye and yet I scored a zero, because I was aiming at the wrong target! In some ways ministry can be like archery, we need to not only aim for the bullseye - but we also need to hit the right target! Too many Catholic parishes and dioceses are aiming for the wrong thing and miss the target. Then when questions arise about why the results they expected aren’t happening, they are puzzled.
To further illustrate this problem, we need to understand that what we value is measured and what we measure, we generally value more. In our current Catholic context, we measure:
This means we value these things, prioritize these things, hire for these things, budget for these things, and plan to continue to do these things - even when they fail us. Of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with tracking whatever it is we do. Furthermore, knowing numbers (which are clearly objective) can give us a broad overview and some kind of basic metric. But, if these are the only things we track, then we are aiming at the wrong target, because we start to value these things above others. Therefore, to understand what we need to track, in addition to the list above, we need to start what knowing the correct target.
Before we name our target, look back at what we currently track and see what they each have in common. You might notice they are all numbers oriented and inwardly focussed. Yes, to measure the health of a parish, you need to know what is going on internally. Still, for most parishes and dioceses - there are no outwardly focussed goals. Nothing about mission. Nothing about conversion. Nothing about evangelization. This is where our problems arise. We are aiming everything we do at the internal Catholic community.
This is the wrong target!
The real target, otherwise known as the mission (or great commission) of Jesus is this - “
All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.” -Matt 28:18-20
We can't make disciples of all nations if all we do is open our doors and expect non-disciples to show up anyway!
So, how do we measure your progress and achieve your goals, according to this target? Here are a few ways to do it.
Our goal is conversion of the world into disciples of Jesus. Within a parish this means conversion of our community (not just those going to church already).
Are we tracking our ministry properly? If not, we need to start changing what we aim at.
This also means regularly assessing how you are doing as a parish, diocese, ministry, etc. We have developed a free assessment tool that might be able to help you.
Lastly, if you want to go even deeper into what it takes to renew your parish or diocese (beyond just the basics), then please consider partnering with us.